Marriage Advice From The Unmarried
Yeah... I'm not married, but that doesn't mean I can't share a thing or two that I know about marriage, right? Some of you may think of marriage as something disposable or as something you never see yourself getting into. On the other end of the spectrum, you may believe or know with your entire being that marriage is an eternal commitment and pursuit. I personally believe that marriage is eternal. Someday I will be sealed to a young man for the rest of eternity. But enough about me--moving on. What makes a marriage a good marriage? How are you going to make eternity with one person tolerable? Here are some of the basics: communication, trust, honesty, and commitment. I would be lying to you if I said those values weren't essential. Do not underestimate their importance. Communication includes everyday conversations, conflict resolution, and setting boundaries. Communication isn't just talking to someone; it's conveying your feelings, needs, and wants to someo...